Organizational Overview.
The Community Development Alliance (CDA) is an independent 501(c)(3) charitable organization governed by dedicated Milwaukeeans committed to advancing racial equity by providing a quality affordable home to every Milwaukeean. Our board consists of six councils and a governing board, all working together to prioritize equitable homeownership for Black & Latino Families.

Resident Advisory Council.
The Community Development Alliance is guided by the Resident Advisory Council on Housing (RACH), a team of dedicated Milwaukee County residents. Their valuable perspective and expertise play a crucial role in prioritizing the community's welfare in all decision-making processes.
Thank You to Our Resident Advisory Council Members:
Sharon Chaney
Virginia DuPriest
Ashley Harrell
Valerie Langston
Chelsie Mason
Pat Mueller
Alice Pugh
Gladys Reyes
Helen Reynolds*
Drea Rodriguez
Timothy Scott, Sr.
Barbara Smith
Emily Streff
Tiwanda Ward​
* Chair
Board Of Directors
The Community Development Alliance is guided by a Board of Directors that includes 2 representatives from the following areas: Resident Advisory Council, Neighborhood Groups, Policy Organizations, Implementors, Operational Funders, and Housing Funders.
Thank You to Our Board of Directors:
Timothy Scott, Sr.
Drea Rodriguez
Maricha Harris
Karen Higgens
Tammy Rivera
Trena Bond
Amelia Mitcham
Gina Stilp
Janel Hines*
Audra Brennan
Lafayette Crump
* Chair
Our Team.
Our Board.
Comprised of two members from each council, our board includes members from the diverse tapestry of Milwaukee.